Abhayapuri College

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The National Service Scheme (NSS) is a community service programme with the objective of building social consciousness in students. NSS provides an opportunity to student volunteers to venture out of their comfort zones and make a difference to society. Inspired by this philosophy, the curriculum of the NSS chapter of Abhayapuri College comprises of a gamut of events and activities undertaken by volunteers who have channelized their creativity and spirit of volunteerism to bring about meaningful change.

The NSS programme in the college endeavours to sensitize the students to various social issues through discussion, debate, talks, seminars, workshops, music, awareness campaigns, street theatre and con?uences.

The NSS Unit of Abhayapuri College is committed to the cause of social upliftment and education and in this pursuit several small and big initiatives have been taken up from time to time.

Students of the first and second year Degree classes are eligible for admission. A total of 100 students are enrolled in each college unit which will be under the control of two Programme Officers.


Abhayapuri College NCC (Senior Division-Boys) was established in 1956 and since its inception the NCC unit of the college is rendering its noble service to the youth of this locality by providing training to make carrier in defence services. At present the college unit of NCC is running three years NCC course in 2+1 pattern.

The Abhayapuri College NCC is working as Platoon under 7 Assam Battalion NCC, Dhubri (Assam) with an authorized strength of 75 Cadets of Senior Division-Boys Cadets and Senior Wing-Girls Cadets. Every year enrolment of new cadets in first year of NCC training is done in the month of June just after fresh admission process of the college is over. Selection of the cadets is done as per the provisions of NCC Act"1948 and related rules therein.

Abhayapuri College NCC Platoon has a glorious history. A number of cadets have participated in Republic Day parade camps, (New Delhi) as well as National Integration Camps and All India Trekking Camps held at national level. Unit has participated in different social service activities like Blood donation, Tree Plantation, Anti-Drug abuse drive, AIDS Awareness programmes, Communal Harmony drive etc. A number of present and ex-cadets have joined armed forces as their career.

Students willing to take NCC course should have interest in NCC training and should be-

* physically fit to undergo the NCC training,
* studying in Abhayapuri College,
* in the age between 16 to 23 years

Thus, only the first year students of UG courses of the college are eligible to take admission in NCC. Admission is given to regular students of the college on the basis of physical test organized by the Associate NCC Officer in presence of Permanent Instructor (PI) Staff from 7 Assam Battalion NCC, Dhubri (Assam).

Intake Capacity in NCC:
Authorized strength of the Platoon =75
:: First Year = 25
:: Second Year = 25
:: Third Year = 25

Criteria of Vacancy:
Every year in first year of NCC Training new cadets are enrolled, which is equal to the number of cadets passed in ‘C" certificate exam of previous year, plus number of dropped out cadets, if any. However, total number of authorized strength 75 is maintained. Of the total strength of cadets, 33 (thirty three) Percent vacancy is reserved for girls students only.

Notification for new enrolment to NCC is done within one week after fresh admission to the college and the admission procedure starts thereafter. It is to mention that the admission to the NCC is done online through www.nccner.nic.in. Aspirants may contact Associate NCC Officer Lt. Dr. Subrata Sarkar or Senior NCC cadets.


"Youth Red Cross" is one of the wings of Indian Red Cross Society. It is a movement organized at the college level. This is for students between 18 and 25 years of age. A qualified Lecturer is recognized as the leader. He is called the Programme Officer under whose guidance, the students are trained and encouraged to manage the affairs of the group, electing their own Office-Bearers.

Main Objectives of YRC
The main purpose of organizing the Youth Red Cross is:
1. To inculcate in the youth of our country
a. An awareness about healthcare both personal and of society.
b. The understanding and acceptance of civic responsibilities and acting accordingly with humanitarian concern, to fulfil the same.
2. To enable the growth and development of a spirit of service and sense of duty with dedication and devotion in the minds of youth.
3. To foster better and friendly relationship with all without any discrimination.

Aims of Youth Red Cross
* Having a work-shop for YRC volunteers to enlighten them about first-aid and rescue steps during an emergency.
* Plan to organize blood donation camps.
* Plan to conduct awareness programmeon AIDS, Non-communicable disease like diabetes, COPD, etc.,

Keeping in view the above aims and objectives, Abhayapuri College has established Youth Red cross Unit in the academic year 2019-20 under the initiative of Assam State Branch Guwahati, of International Red Cross Society. Like Previous years, Abhayapuri College is going to enroll Youth Red Cross Volunteers in the academic year 2020-21. The enrolled Volunteers will be under the control of two Programme Officers. For further details interested students may contact the Programme Officers, Youth Red Cross Unit, Abhayapuri College.


Health is not merely a state of physical fitness. Contrary to it, it is a state of condition wherein man is physically, spiritually, socially and mentally peaceful. Yoga is a method of achieving coordination between body, mind, intelligence and soul. It could increase physical and psychological capacity of a person and enhances his resistance power. In fact, Yoga is an important means for attaining fearless, worry free and healthy life. We can root out sorrows, pains and peace less situations in society.

In this direction, a Yoga Centre is opened in Abhayapuri College for the benefit of the students as well as teachers. The Centre works with the aim of enhancing mental and physical wellbeing of the students and the teachers. Apart from celebrating International Yoga Day every year it also organizes different workshop and training programmes throughout the year. The Yoga centre focuses on spreading awareness regarding mental health among students and the society.

To help students grow mentally and spiritually healthy and to attain mental peace, to improve memory power and to accelerate their performance in study.

* To motivate students to practise Yoga.
* To assist the students to get relief from mental stress and strain.
* To contribute for the popularity of Yoga by organizing practical yoga camps.
* To make Yoga an integral part of life activity.
* To spread the messages of Yoga.
* To reduce mental conflict and ambiguity
* To wake up the internal power of man.


The Medical Cell of Abhayapuri College was formed with a view to provide quality health care to the students and staff of the college. The Cell is equipped with first aid Support Service and occasionally invites doctors to visit for health check-up. From time to time, it organizes camps for different health issues. The Cell also gets involved in issues of campus safety and mental health of the students. In case of emergency, the cell decides procedures to be followed immediately so that the patient gets immediate necessary support and care.


Career Guidance and Placement Cell of the College is committed to provide students all possible assistance in choosing the appropriate avenues. The Cell helps the students realize their primary ambition, and feels it imperative to counsel and encourage them to set definite goals. The cell provides guidance and training by

* Briefing about various avenues during the time of admission.
* Organizing talks and seminars regarding different job oriented and vocational courses.
* Inviting career counselors to inform students about job prospects of different subjects.
* Inviting motivational speakers to reduce the level of stress among students so that they can learn the art of stress management and opt for jobs that suits to their choice and subjects.
* Conducting mock interviews and group discussions.
* Arranging Personality Development programmes at times.
* Mentoring of Students
* Campus Placement Drive

Objectives of the Cell:
* To provide information on job opportunities
* To access available the literatures/brochures and related information
* To motivate the aptitude of students preference of job
* To organize seminars and workshops on entrepreneurship


President : Principal
Vice- President : Vice- Principal
Convener : One Associate /Asstt Prof. having experience of Research and Publication
Members : 5/6 faculty members

* To publish the Teachers" Journal regularly.
* To hold a series of Interdepartmental Seminars
* To encourage the faculty members to undertake Minor and Major research project, In house Research under the financial assistance of UGC and other bodies
* To send proposal for Seminar/ Workshop to different financing agencies
* To take steps for bringing out a series of collection of published articles of the faculty members


Abhayapuri College is one of the premiere educational institutions in Assam. The college has an extension educational centre which has been trying to expand the education beyond the college campus in neighboring areas.

* To improve the prevalent superstition and create awareness among the people regarding the ill habits.
* To generate awareness among the people for health, hygiene, economic improvement, social justices and various govt. schemes.
The extension education centre (EEC) of the college affiliated to GU promotes a meaningful and sustainable support to be the liaison between the higher education institution and society. The EEC imparts adult education, Continuing Education, Population Education, Community Education etc. through field works activities. It is a two way process between the expert and the people to solve the social problem through the educational process. Extension education helps student have to face the challenges of the new millennium. The centre arranges a number of health checkup camps, awareness programmes on cleanliness and contagious diseases for the poor people from time to time.

The College provides internet facility at the college computer centre and central library.


The Grievance Redressal (GR) Cell of the college deals with various problems complains and Grievance of student especially regarding their campus lives. It deals with all the Grievances which are directly related to the common problem of the students, teachers and the employees of the College. It is a device to settle problems. It involves a process of investigation in which Grievance Redressal Cell enquires and analysis the nature and pattern of the grievances in a strictly confidential manner. Matters are disclosed to only those, who have a legitimate role in resolving the matter. The cell acts with the view- “right to be heard and right to be treated without bias”.

The Objectives of Grievance Redressal Cell
To make officials of the College responsive, accountable and courteous in dealing with the students.
To ensure redressal of the students" grievances with an impartial and fair approach.
To ensure cordial student-student and student- teacher relationship.
To support those students who have been deprived of the services for which he/she is entitled.
To advice the students to respect the right of dignity of one another and show restraint and patience whenever any occasion arises.
To advise the students to refrain from inciting students against other students, teachers or administration.
However, the GR Cell shall not entertain the following issues.

Decisions of the Academic Committee/Administrative Committee or other such committees constituted by the College.
Decisions regarding scholarships/fee concessions etc.
Decisions made by College authority under the Discipline Rules.
Decisions of the College in admission to any courses.
Decisions of the competent authority on assessment and examination result.
Ragging of any kind is strictly prohibited. Any violation of ragging or disciplinary rules should be urgently brought to the notice of the Principal/Anti Ragging Committee of the College


Abhayapuri College, as per the guidelines of the UGC and state Government has constituted Anti - Sexual and Anti-harassment Cell in the College. The cell is a composition of selected male and female faculty members, with a Convenor and Assistant Convenor, Convenor Women Cell, Program Officer NSS, NCC Officer, with representatives from College Students´ Union. Moreover, a legal adviser is also inducted in the Committee. Any complaints received from student in writing, the committee discusses the matter in detail and accordingly the problem is solved. The Cell/ Committee organize awareness programs on such sensitive issues of Sexual Harassment and punishments involve in it.

Role and functions of the cell are mentioned below:
a) The very purpose of the cell is to prevent, prohibit and redress the matters in relation to sexual harassment and sexual miss conduct faced by any student of the college and thereby to protect them from any such harassment and also to take necessary steps to provide disciplinary action against the person involved.
b) The cell works within its jurisdiction to deal with the complaints received from the students and accordingly make inquiry into the complaints and prepares a report and submit the same to the authority about the cases if any.
c) Any girl student within the College Campus may complain in writing to the cell or college authority if she finds any problem related to sexual harassment.
d) To support those students who have been deprived of the services for which he/she is entitled.
e) The Cell maintains the records of proceedings of cases if any in writing.


The College has an Anti Ragging committee which is constituted as per honorable Supreme Court order and UGC regulation. The committee includes member from Civil Administrate, Police Administration and local media. The college appoints a local lawyer to act as legal advisor of the committee. The committee constitutes an Anti Ragging squad with the faculty member of the college for force stop of ragging.

The candidate seeking admission in the college may download the regulation of Anti ragging form the UGC website (www.ugc.ac.in.) and submission of duly signed form of undertaking (candidate/Students & parent) for Anti Ragging is made compulsory for every student.

Ragging of prohibited on campus and off campus .join hands in making the college campus free from Ragging
* As per the order of the honble Supreme court of India .UGC regulation Ragging to considered as a sadistic thrill, and it is a violation of human Right.
* Ragging is totally prohibited in the college and any body found indulge in Ragging and/abetting an * * Ragging is liable to be punished in accordance with the supreme court order and UGC regulation and as per provision of law in force.


National scholarship, state merit scholarship and the scholarship of the student belonging to SC/ST/OBC/MOBC/MINORITY categories are available. The students qualifying for scholarship are to apply within the stipulated time to be notified in due course of time .The amount of scholarship are disbursed to the bank account of the concerned students.


In order to develop interest and promote enthusiasm in mathematics in the greater Abhayapuri area, the mathematics department of the college incepted ‘Maths Club" in the academic session 2011-12. The club regularly holds mathematic olympiad, mathematical quizzes, seminar, popular talks and other programme aimed at achieving its goals.


In order to develop communicative competence and soft skill in English among students, the department of English conducts Spoken English Crash course during each academic session. The students willing to enroll for such course are trained batch wise on a first come first serve basis.


Needy student are provided financial aid for academic expenses from the fund raised by the Governing Body, teacher and general student of the college. The selection of the student for financial assistance is done by the college governing body.


The college book bank which his attached with college central library is maintained separately for the benefit of the needy and meritorious student.


Abhayapuri college Magazine entitled “PRAYAS" is published every year and edited by an elected Editor and Assistance editor from among the student under guideline of an Editorial board constituted with teacher and student. It showcases the views, opinions and the creative writings of the student community of the college. In addition to the magazine, there are number of wall magazine published by different department/units which provide opportunity to the literary talent of students.


The teachers of Abhayapuri College have been publishing an annual teachers journal under the aegis of Research, Publication and Faculty Improvement Committee. Various research based innovative articles written by the teachers are published in this journal, the copies of which are circulated among the teacher unit of the surrounding colleges. The journal has been registered under ISSN: 2320-0030 as Abhayapuri College Teacher"s Journal.


Abhayapuri College Alumni Association is a common platform of the ex-students of the college to associate with various development works of this institution. The association earnestly expects active participation of all concerned in all its programmes for making the college an excellent institution for higher education.


Abhayapuri College Students" Union (ACSU) is a body of the general students of the students of the college and every student is member of this body. The office bearers are selected annually by the student thorough the Election to the students" Union held as per constitution of the union. The student union always extends cooperation to the college authority as well as the student to fulfill the objective of the College. It is to be noted here that the Hon"ble Supreme Court of the India has directed the implementation of the recommendation of the committee chaired by Sri JM Lyndoh (Retired Chief Election Commissioner of India) to form guideline on student election in college and Universities . some important direction of the Hon"ble court are summarized below.

The entire election will be held between 6 to 8 weeks from the date of commencement of the academic session.
The entire election process, starting from the date of filling of the nomination papers to the date of declaration of the results including the campaigning period, should not exceed 10 days.
Only regular, full time student of the college are eligible to contest the election.
Student between the age of 17 and 22 years may contest election.
In no event, the candidate should have any academics arrear in the year of contesting the election.
The candidate should have the minimum75 percent attendance in classes.
The Candidate shall have only one opportunity to contest for the post of the office bearer of student union.
The maximum permitted expenditure of a candidate shall Rs. 5000/- (Rupees five thousand) only and each candidate shall have to submitted complete and certified accounts ( to be certified by the candidate) to the college authority within two weeks of the declaration of the result. The election of the candidate will be nullified in the event of any excessive expenditure.
No candidate shall be allowed to make use of printed poster, pamphlet or any other printed materials for the propose of canvassing .Candidate may only use handmade poster at the place in the campus notified by the Election Board of the college in advance.
The use of loudspeaker, vehicle and animal for the purpose of canvassing is prohibited.
Candidate shall be jointly responsible for ensuring the cleaning up of the polling area within 48 hours of the conclusion of polling.
Any complaint or inconvenience of the candidate or voters should be reported to the Grievance Redressal Cell of the college.


The college has frames a Cultural Committee to improve the cultural talent of the students. It holds different cultural programmes and organizes competitions of cultural activities among students. Followings are some of the activities the cultural committee organizes.

Divas Observed
1. Bishnu Rabha Divas
2. Sudhakantha Divas
3. Silpi Divas

Cultural Programme
1. Foundation Day
2. Tithi of Srimanta Sankardeva
3. Teacher"s Day
4. Fateha-e-dowaz-daham

1. Folk Culture in the 1st part of winter vacation (4 days)
2. Sankari Culture: Detail programme will be announced in due course.

1. Competition of musical instrument after 1st Sessional Examination
2. Traditional Dress Competition after 1st Sessional Examination
3. Street Play before 15th August every year


Abhayapuri College has a Committee for Management of Remedial Coaching & Entry in Services to take Remedial/Additional classes for every semester of B.A./B.Sc. students particularly among the students belonging to the under privileged group and the students who have failed in one or the other subjects in his/her last Semester Exams. The Committee also find out educationally weaker students and offer special coaching to them.

Science Forum - Composition
President : Principal
Vice- President : A Senior Assicaite Professor from Science faculty
Convener : One Associate /Asstt Prof. from Science Stream br /> Joint Convener : One faculty member of the college
Members : All faculty members

To inculcate scientific temperament among the students.
To Organize programme on Environmental issues through College Eco Club and Environmental Cell.
To work for eliminating the prevailing superstition from the society by organizing appropriate Extension Programmes.


The Women"s Cell Abhayapuri College was started with the aim of empowering and orienting women to recognize their true potential and to help them carve their own niche in a competitive world.

To safe guard the rights of female students, faculty and staff members of the college.
To promote the empowerment of female students and teachers through different educational programmes both formal and non-formal.
To create awareness about policies and laws that addresses the issue of sexual harassment.
To focus on gender sensitization of our young women
To provide an environment free of gender-based discrimination
To give a platform to young women to voice their thoughts and opinions and to share their experiences.
The activities of the cell include promoting awareness relating to women centric issues, disseminating information regarding legal rights and policies as well as about support systems.

Ensuring that the educational institution and work environment is free from cases of sexual harassment.
Organising workshops and lectures on relevant issues concerning women.
Taking measures to promote the desired behaviour which shall create the ideal atmosphere for gender equality to prevail.
Conducting personality development programmes, short term career oriented courses for women to equip them to meet the challenges of the modern day.
To celebrate Women"s Day every year with day long programmes that create awareness among students as also the general public.


SWAYAM (meaning-Self) is a Hindi acronym that stands for “Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds” is an Indian Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). SWAYAM is an initiative launched by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India under Digital India to give a coordinated stage and free entry to web courses, covering all advanced education, high school and skill sector courses. It was launched on 9th July 2017 by Honourable Present of India. This programme is designed to achieve the three cardinal principles of Education Policy viz., access, equity and quality. The objective of this effort is to take the best teaching learning resources to all, including the most disadvantaged. SWAYAM seeks to bridge the digital divide for students who have hitherto remained untouched by the digital revolution and have not been able to join the mainstream of the knowledge economy.

Courses hosted in SWAYAM:
SWAYAM operates MOOCs learning resources in different ways and structure. This is done through an indigenous developed IT platform that facilitates hosting of all the courses, taught in classrooms from 9th class till post-graduation to be anyone, anywhere at any time. The courses hosted on SWAYAM are in four quadrants- (1) Video Lecture, (2) Specially prepared reading materials that can be downloaded/printed (3) self-assessment tests through tests and quizzes and (4) an online discussion forum for clearing the doubts.

Facility of Low Cost Learning:
Courses delivered through SWAYAM are available free of cost to the learners, however students wanting certifications shall be registered, shall be offered a certificate on successful completion of the course, with a little fee. At the end of each course, there will be an assessment of the student through proctored examination and marks/grades secured in this exam could be transferred to the academic record of the students.

National Coordinators:
Nine national coordinators are appointed to manage the course content. Each coordinator is assigned a particular area for maintenance. Among the nine national coordinators Consortium for Education Communication (CEC) has been appointed National coordinator by MHRD for undergraduate education.

Massive Open Online Course (MOOCs) are such online courses which are developed as per the pedagogy stated herein and following the four quadrant approach consisting of video, text, self assessment and learn more. Courses under MOOCs shall be of two types: Credit Course and Non- credit Course. Credit Courses shall mean a course which is taught for at least one semester as a part of PG Programme in Indian Universities. On the other hand, Non- credit Course shall include course like awareness programme, continuing education programme or of specific skill set as independent course, which are not part of any set curriculum.

Credit Transfer:
All the courses offered by SWAYAM are recognized by the Government of India. All the courses are valid in the country and also, UGC has announced “Credit Framework for Online Learning Course through SWAYAM” Regulations, 2016 in the Gazette of India on July 19, 2016 where credit transfer for SWAYAM courses is defined. The UGC regulation requires Universities to make change in their rules and regulation to incorporate provision for credit mobility and MOOC courses under the SWAYAM platform. The certificates of degrees and diploma will be given on clearing the criteria of course taken and that certificate will be credit mobility for academic credit. The current guideline of UGC constrains just 20 percent of the courses for a degree level program.


Department of English, Abhayapuri College formed a Drama Society titled—Mimesis with an aim to promote dramatics among students and to usher social change through drama. Mimesis encourages staging of plays written, directed and acted by students of the college. To make the learning of literature more fruitful, the Drama Society makes arrangements for performance of prescribed plays in the curriculum. Theatre workshops are conducted by the Drama Society in order to explore the possibilities for interdisciplinary linkages between different forms of performing arts. The Drama Society also prepares the young budding acting talent to participate in inter-class Drama competitions, Annual College Week Drama competition, Youth Festivals held at the University levels.

The members of the Mimesis on the occasion of the death Anniversary of Bharat Ratna, Sudhakantha Dr. Bhupen Hazarika paid a glowing tribute to relive and revive the memory of the great singer. The members of the Drama Society enacted a play based on the songs written, composed and sung by the legend.

On the occasion of International Women"s Day a street play was performed by the members of the Mimesis highlighting the crisis of inner space in Women.


Abhayapuri College Quiz Forum was formed with an aim to engage the young budding quizzical minds to train and to participate in professional quiz competitions along with the traditional Quiz Competitions. Some former senior students who represented college in various Quiz Competitions organised by Colleges and other institutes played a significant role in the formation of the Quiz Forum of the College.

Quiz is a unique and exciting approach for motivating, inspiring, and encouraging the students in their quest for knowledge and providing them with the opportunity to participate in Inter-College Quiz Competitions and Youth Festivals. It reinforces team work, boosts confidence, and encourages strategic thinking and planning.

Quiz competition is a medium to encourage students to look beyond their textual knowledge and establish a relationship between theory and application of the learnt concepts. Quiz exposes them to knowledge and develops a healthy competitive spirit. It not only helps to identify the students who are talented in quizzing but also helps to develop a team spirit among them.

To encourage and popularize the utility of quizzical skill among students

To prepare and encourage the students for participating in Inter-College Quiz Competition, Inter-University Quiz Competition, State and National level Quiz Competitions. Students through Quiz Forum learn the art and technique of Professional Quiz competitions organised every year by big Corporate Houses and Banks.

To inculcate a habit of learning for knowledge and boost the confidence of the students.

To identify the hidden talents of students through quiz and provide them with better opportunities to sharpen their quizzing skills.


The College has a Academic Committee with following Composition:
President: Principal
Convener: Vice- Principal
Members: (i) All Heads of the Academic Departments (ii) Coordinator, IQAC

Activities of the Academic Committee:
To review the academic situation fortnightly.
To Prepare the Class Time Table and meet-up the difficulties arisen there in time to time.
To make plan for academic growth of the college annually and submit the same to the IQAC for formulating overall plan of action.
To find out the factors affecting the academic ambience of the college, if any, and suggest remedial measure to the authority.
To maintain a separate Result Register from 03 years back
Various Working Committees for performing Academic Activities of the College

Admission Committee:
President : Principal
Vice- President : Vice- Principal
Supervisor : Senior Faculty Member
Convener : Nominated by the Academic Committee Meeting
Member : Coordinator, IQAC
: 05 to 10 Faculty Members

Activities of of Admission Committee:
To prepare an inbuilt admission Process.
To take steps for computerization and Online System of the admission process
To stipulate the time and seat limitation of admission to different classes
To ascertain that the admitted students are provided with I-Card, Academic Calender and class Routine on the day of admission
To complete the Admission Profile within 07 days from the end of Admission process
Prospectus and Academic Calendar Preparation Committee:
President : Principal
Advisor : (i) Coordinator, IQAC : (ii) One Senior Faculty Member
Convener : (i) One faculty member for Publication of Propectus : (ii) One faculty member for Preparation of Academic Calendar
Members : At least 03 Faculty Members each for Publication of Prospectus and preparation of Academic Calendar

Time Table Preparation Committee:
Executive President : Vice- Principal
Advisor : One Senor Faculty
Joint Convener : One Faculty member each from Arts , Science and Vocational Stream
Member : 2/4 faculty Member

To prepare College Annual Time Table for all classes of Arts , Science and Vocational Stream as per University and Council regulation
To publish the Annual Time Table well ahead of starting the New Session of the college
Home Examination Board
President : Principal
Executive President : Vice- Principal
Convener : One Senior faculty member
Member : 5/6 faculty Member

Power & Function:
The jurisdiction of the Board is confined to hold all the Home Examination as per Academic Calendar of the College time to time. The College Home Examination Board includes Preparatory, Unit Test, Annual Exam of H.S. (Arts & Sc.) and Sessional Exam and Other Interanal Assessment of TDC (Arts & Sc.). However, Skill Test and Sessional Exam for Major/Honours course and other Internal Assessment of TDC (Arts & Sc) do not come within the purview of the Home Examination Board. Those are conducted by the respective departments and percentages of those marks are recorded in the Home Examination Borad Register to bring out the overall performance of a student. It is worthy to mention here that the Home Examination Board reserves the right to check the regular attendance of the students and it may not allow a student to appear in the Council or University Examination if the attendance is found below 75% per subject in a calendar year. The Home Examination Board manages the examination answer scripts as well as the question papers. All Head of the Departments are duly notified by the Board for supplying manuscripts of question of their department within a specified time. The question papers are then printed confidentially by the Board. The members of the teaching staff help in the invigilation work during examination days. In case of any controversy the Board referes the matter for discussion in the General Meeting of the teaching staff. Howevr all the financial Matters are handled by the Principal of the college.

Main Activities;
To maintain the record of all Sessional /Preparatory/Annual Exams systematically.
To hold all internal Exams as per the Academic calendar as much as practicable.