ne Abhayapuri College

ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Institute

Courses & Programmes

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Eligibility : HSLC or Equivalent
Duration : Two years (1 +1)
Stream : Arts and Science
Affiliation : Affiliated to Assam Higher Secondary Education Council
Selection : Merit based
Number of Seats : 150 (in Arts Stream); 60 (in Science Stream)


Arts Stream

English (Compulsory), M.I.L. (Options- Assamese/Alterative English), Environmental Studies (Compulsory) Economics, Political Science, History, Education, Logic & Philosophy, Arabic, Advance Assamese, Geography, Swadesh Adhyayan and Mathematics.

**A Student is allowed to offer any one of the subjects of Arabic and Advance Assamese (not both) in H.S. level.

Science Stream

English and Environmental Studies (Compulsory), MIL/Alternative English, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology


Eligibility : 10+2 or Equivalent
Duration : Three years (06 Semester) Degree Courses
Stream : Arts and Science
Affiliation : Affiliated to Gauhati University, Guwahati
Selection : Admission is given strictly on the basis of merit.


Arts Stream : 300 in Honours Course and 300 for Additional Shift ( Regular Course) (Admission in Regular Course in Arts is restricted to limited combinations of subjects only)
Science Stream : 125 in Honours Coruse and 35 in Regular Course


Arts Stream

English Communication (Compulsory in First Semester), Environmental Studies (Compulsory in Second Semester), Assamese, Elective Assamese, Economics, Political Science, History, Education, Philosophy, Arabic, Geography and Mathematics

Science Stream

English Communication (Compulsory in First Semester), Environmental Studies (Compulsory in Second Semester), Botany, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, and Zoology


Arts Stream

English, Assamese, Economics, Political Science, History, Education, Philosophy, Arabic and Geography (In Arts Stream Honours Courses are offered only in Day Shift)

Science Stream

Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Botany and Zoology


Arts Stream

Education, Philosophy, Political Science and Arabic, (Regular Courses in Arts stream are offered only for the students of Additional Evening shift)

Science Stream

Botany, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Zoology


University Grants Commissions (UGC) launched three Skill Based Educational Schemes- 1. Bachelor of Vocational (BVoc), 2. Community College and 3.Dean Dayal Upadyaya Kendra, in the Year 2014-2015 for colleges and universities on the initiative of Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), Govt. of India. Abhayapuri took the advantage of this and submitted proposals for all the schemes. College got approval for the first two from UGC, while we had to miss the third one because of inadequacy of infrastructure for the scheme and so we did not appear in the UGC interface meeting at New Delhi.

Abhayapuri College was one of the six colleges of Assam to grab this opportunity to get the UGC approval for opening of two programmes- Information Technology (IT) and Tourism and Travel Management (TTM) under B.Voc Scheme and one programme Banking Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI) under Community College Scheme. In the year 2018-19, UGC approved another programme – Accounts and Financial Services (AFS) under Community College Scheme.

Scheme Name

Programme Name

Name of the Sector Skill Council(SSC)


Total Intake Capacity

Bachelor of Vocation (B Voc)

Information Technology(IT)


3 years (six semesters)


Bachelor of Vocation (B Voc)

Tourism and Travel Management(TTM)


3 years (six semesters)


Bachelor of Vocation (B Voc)

Retail Management and Information Technology(RMIT)


3 years (six semesters)



Banking Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI)


2 years (four semesters)



The basic objectives of the Skill based education are to develop skills among the students and to create work ready man power in large scale to reduce the growing demand from different industrial sectors. To achieve these objectives Govt. of India launched the National Skills Qualifications Frameworks (NSQF) which is competency based framework that organises qualifications according to a series of knowledge, skill and aptitude. These are ten NSQF levels from Level-1 to Level-10 for awarding certifications. For B.Voc scheme students have to possess skill, knowledge and understanding in a particular job rule in a particular sector. In case of Community College Scheme, the range of NSQF level is from level -4 to level 6 only.


NSQF Level Skill Component Credits General Component Credits Total Credits for Award Duration Exit Points/ Awards
LEVEL 4 18 12 30 One Semester Certificate
LEVEL 5 36 24 60 Two Semester Diploma
LEVEL 6 72 48 120 Four Semester Advanced Diploma
LEVEL 7 108 72 180 Six Semester Degree

It may be noted that UGC has invited proposals for introduction of New/Fresh programmes under BVoc and Community College schemes for the sessions 2020-2021vide its Public Notice dated 22nd April 2020. Abhayapuri College are going to submit proposals for two new programmmes namely i) B.Voc in Food Processing and ii) B.Voc in Retail Management & Information Technology. College will submit proposal for extension of the existing programmes IT, TTM, and AFS. Further as per new UGC guidelines, Financial Assistance will be provided for one faculty against each course and no Financial Assistance will be granted for consumables and other recurring expenditure for training, On Job Training (OJT), workshops etc .and the part of the expenditure shall be collected as fees from the students.

Some basic features of the skilled based programmes are as follows-

  • Programmes are full-time credit based modular and provide multiple entry and at different levels. Learners/students can go for employment at any level of award point/exit point and can come back for pursuing at the next higher level.
  • Students may further move to Masters and Research degree programmes at NSQF level-8 to 10.
  • Curriculum in each semester/year consists of two components. The Skill Component of the courses have credits 60% to 70% of the total credits while the balance credits are to be allotted for General Component.
  • Skill Component of the program is employment oriented which includes practical classes in labourites/ workshops, project works, On Job Training, apprenticeships and other forms of hands or training.
  • General Education component includes the curriculum supportive to the core trade in addition to communication skills, soft skills, ICT skills, critical thinking, problem solving, environmental studies and value education.
  • Minimum educational qualification for admission will be 10+2 pass or equivalent fro any recognised based university.
  • Curriculum in each semester/year consists of two components. The Skill Component of the courses have credits 60% to 70% of the total credits while the balance credits are to be allotted for General Component.
  • Reservation policy of the Govt. is followed for admission.
  • There is no age for admission.
  • Assessments of the Skill Component are generally conducted by the respective Sector Skill Councils. In case of non-availability of approved Qualification Pack (QP) skill assessment may be conducted through Skill Assessment Board. The General Education Component is assessed by the affiliated university.



The Bachelor of Vocation in Information Technology (B.Voc.IT) was introduced in the year 2015-16 in Abhayapuri College with the financial assistance of UGC B.Voc Scheme to provide Skill Based Education among the youths of this part of Assam to make the learners fit for jobs in the IT Sector.

Course Offered Duration Job Role
Certificates Course 6 Months Domestic Data Entry Operator
Diploma 1 Year Test Engineer
Advance Diploma 2 Years Master Trainer for Junior Software Developer
B.Voc Degree 3 Years Software Developer

No. of Seat: 50 (Fifty)-

(If the number of applicants is more than 50, then a separate written test/ viva may be conducted. The subjects for the written test & viva will be Mathematics, English and Reasoning)

Facilities available in the Department:

(a) One State of Art well equipped AC Computer Laboratory with 50 Computer sets with LAN connection with internet connectivity.
(b) Two Smart Class Rooms with internet connectivity (c) Dedicated Server.

Annual Action Plan of the Department (Tentative):

(a) Seminar

  • Seminar for Teachers
  • Seminar for 5th semester
  • Seminar for 3rd semester
  • Seminar for 1st semester

(b) Outreach Programmes:

  • Series of Induction programmes in the beginning of the session
  • An awareness programme on “Need for computer security”
  • A two day Workshop on “Mobile Apps development”
  • A One day Workshop on “Android Application development”

(c)On Job Training:
Hand on skill training, Industry & Environmental visit and Appreticeships: Semester wise programmes are undertaken in consultation with industry partners.


The B.Voc degree in Tourism & Travel Management ( B.Voc-TTM) was started in the year 2015-16 by Abhayapuri College with financial assistance of UGC under B.Voc Scheme to impart skill the youths in the Tourism Sector to make the learns employable and entrepreneurs.

Course Offered Duration Job Role
Certificates Course 6 Months Travel Consultant
Diploma 1 year Meeting Conference & Event Planner
Advance Diploma 2 years Tour Manager
B.Voc Degree 3 years Duty Manager

No. of Seat: 50 (Fifty)-

(lf the number of applicants is more than 50, then a separate written test/ viva may be conducted. The subjects for the written test/ viva will be Mathematics, English and Reasoning)

Facilities available in the Department:

(a) Smart Class Room, (b) Fully AC Computer Laboratory with Internet Facility.

Annual Action Plan of the Department (Tentative):

a) Outreach Programme:

  • An awareness programme on “Need for computer security”
  • 2 days Workshop on “Travel Agency Operation”
  • one day Workshop on “personality development”


b) On Job Training:
Hand on skill training, Industry & Environmental visit and Apprenticeships: Semester wise programmes are undertaken in consultation with industry partners.


The Community College Scheme was started in Abhaypuri College during the academic year 2015-16 as per the UGC approval under Skill Development initiative under taken by MHRD, Govt. of India in Colleges and universities . Under this scheme the programme, Banking Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI) was introduced in Abhayapuri College under BFSI Sector Skill Council of India to impart skill education among the youths of this part of Assam to make the learners employable and entrepreneurs in Banking and Insurance Sectors. In the year 2018 UGC approved another Programme, Accounts and Financial Services ( AFS) under BFSI SSC and the programme has been running since 2018-19.

Course Offered Duration Job Role
Certificates Course 6 Months Accounts Executive (Recording & Reporting)
Diploma 1 year Accounts Executive
Advance Diploma 2 years Financial Inclusion Officer

No. of Seat: 50 (Fifty)-
(lf the number of applicants is more than 50, then a separate written test/ viva may be conducted.

Category -1 Students already NSQF Level in same trade with job role.
Category -2 Students who have acquired NSQF Certi?cation for Level 4 but may like to change their trade and may enter into Community College in a different industry sector.
Category -3 Students passed 10+2 Examination securing minimum 45 %( 5% relaxation for SC/ST) with conventional schooling without any back ground of vocational training.
Category -4 Students must secure minimum 45 marks in Mathematics and English in HS or HSLC.
Category -5 Students must be given pre-admission test for entering into this course will be conducted by the Admission Committee of Abhayapuri College of BFSI Community College. Students will be selected for the course as per merit basis as per the Admission Committee´s guidelines.

Diploma/Adv. Diploma in Accounting and Financial Services: Career Prospects
A candidate can work in Market research firms, public accounting firms, corporations, Consultancy Services, Research Organisations, Accountancy firms, banking organizations, financial firms etc. after completing this diploma.

There is a wide scope for a candidate pursuing this diploma. The student can get top roles like – Book keeping Clerk, Billing Clerk, Tax Accountant, Financial Advisor, Finance Assistant & Accountant, Financial Consultant, Chief Financial Officer, Certified Public Accountant, Finance Manager, etc.

The candidates can also opt for other undergraduate and postgraduate courses like B.Com, M.Com, etc. after successful completion of the diploma and it will be added advantage to them. One can also pursue higher education and become a Chartered Accountant who earns INR 7 - 9 lacs per annum in India.

 Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application PGDCA COURSE

Introduction of PGDCA is the outcome of continuous effort of Science Forum, Abhayapuri College. As book as 28th Oct, 1995 Science Forum organized a day long awareness program on Computer Education in collaboration with National System, Bongaigaon to disseminate the importance of Computer knowledge and skill. With the establishment of Computer Cell Abhayapuri college in July/2002 by the Governing Body gave a bigger boost in computer awareness and the computer education as well. With initiative of computer cell and science forum, PGDCA course in the Distance Mode was introduced in 2006. In the very next session i.e 2007, PGDCA in Regular mode was started under Institute of Distance and Open Learning (IDOL) GU which was previously known as Post Graduate Correspondence School (PGCS), GU. Initially GU accorded permission to admit only 20 students per batch. Due to good academic results and better job opportunity along with non-availability of institution and also due to increased demand for admission into the course ultimately G.U. accorded permission for more students. At present maximum intake capacity is 50 students per batch.

No. of Seat: 50 (Fifty)-
(lf the number of applicants is more than 50, then a separate written test/ viva may be conducted.

Admission Criteria:
Admission is on Merit Basis. Minimum qualification is graduate in any discipline from recognized university.

Facilities available :
(a) Well equipped Computer Laboratory, (b) Departmental Library, (c) Internet facility,(d) Departmental Wall Magazine.

PGDCA Uniform:
PGDCA students of the college are to wear uniform, during college hours as speci?ed below for boys and girls. No students are allowed to enter the college campus without prescribed uniform during the college hour & examination period.

FOR BOYS :Formal Pink Shirt and Black Trousers.
FOR GIRLS :Girls must wear either Mekhela Sador or Salwar Kameez in the colour as prescribed below.

  • Mekhela : Black Colour
  • Sador : Pink colour and Blouse in plain black colour.
  • Salwar Kameez: Salwar and Dupatta in black colour and kameez in pink colour.
  • Blazers (for winter): In Black colour for boys and girls.
  • Shoes: Black Pump shoes for girls and black leather shoes for boys


Jeans pants and leggings or Churidar are strictly prohibited


Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University, Abhayapuri College Study Centre does not have a long history, if we measure it from time perspective. But if we try to frame its impact on the needy and economically backward students of this area, we will ?nd that in contrast to the little span, it has achieved its goals as expected or beyond expectations. The Study Centre of KKHSOU came into existence in Abhayapuri College after signing an MoU between the K.K. Handiqui State Open University and Abhayapuri College authority In 2007. It was great pleasure for all of us to be a part of this noble effort to make education easily accessible to all, especially for those who are having problems in pursuing institutional qualification through full time programme. Modern education system believes that no one should be deprived of education which is an instrument to enlighten human mind. We, as a premier educational institute of this area, took the responsibility of bringing light of education for all those who were always dreaming of becoming an educated person.

Programmes on offer
KKHSOU Abhayapuri College Study Centre offers the following academic programmes –

Bachelor Degree Programme-
Bachelor of Arts (BA) Pass Course :Duration : Three Years (Six Semester)
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) :Duration : Three Years (Six Semesters)
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) :Duration : Three Years (Six Semesters)
Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) :Duration : Three Years (Six Semesters)

Master Degree Programme-

Master of Arts in Assamese: Duration: Two Years (Four Semesters)
Master of Arts in Political Science : Duration : Two Years (Four Semesters)

Master of Arts in English: Duration: Two Years (Four Semesters)

Master of Arts in Economics: Duration: Two Years (Four Semesters)

Master of Arts in Education: Duration: Two Years (Four Semesters)


Institute of distance and open learning (IDOL), Abhayapuri College study centre was started in the year 2006 as per permission obtained from the GU authority, IDOL and since then it has been providing opportunity for accessing higher education(PG Course) to the large number of students who could not pursue higher education through conventional mode of learning. IDOL, Abhayapuri college centre tries to accommodate the needy students of this locality who are unable to enrol their name in the formal system of education due to various reasons. It provides various programmes on the following subjects in post graduate level: