The college makes endeavours to enhance the learning experiences of the students with this aim and adopts some student centric methods of learning such as experiential learning, participative learning & problem based methods.
1. Experimental learning: The College conducts practical teaching in the forms of field visit, industry visit as per the curriculum of the concerned subject. Activities like mock-banking, mock-parliament, mock elections etc. are carried on. Online sessions, such as webinars, add-on courses using experimental trainings are conducted in departments. Virtual learning platforms, mobile learning platforms are used subject wise. E-learning resources and software are used. Audio visual aids, charts and models are also used. Subject related videos are downloaded and shown to the students. Students are taken to Business expo and business carnivals for experimental training.
2. Participative learning: Group discussions, seminars, JLG and TPS seminar and webinar, exhibition, vocabulary competition, meeting industry experts, meeting academic experts are conducted. Some departments also conduct participative e-learning programs.
3. Problem solving: As a part of problem solving method of learning, the college use class tests, surprise tests, online MCQ tests for every class.
The traditional methods of classroom lectures are presently supplemented by audio-visual aids. Classrooms at present are equipped with projectors. We have installed three Interactive Boards and using them effectively. For the large classrooms, particularly for the social science and language classes, sound systems and microphones have been provided so that the teacher becomes perfectly audible to even the students sitting in the rear part. Besides these, we have been using online platforms for classes and other purposes like class tests, assignments, communication, providing study material, etc. The following innovative teaching methods have been devised and adopted by the faculty of the institution:
Software such C, C++, python, MATLAB, SCILAB and Mathematica are taught to the students of Computer science, Mathematics and Physics by the faculty members of the concern department. Further, software such as QGIS, Global mapper and Google earth are taught to the students by the faculties of Geography. Other software such as Ramdhanu, Shabda lipi and Rodali are used by the language departments. Moreover, software such as Blast, Clustal W, Clastal Omega and Bioedit for teaching bioinformatics by the Zoology Department.
As a part of initiation of innovative teaching learning process all students and teachers at present are using internet and computers. The teacher-student interaction at present is not time-bound or space-bound. A student comes in touch with the teacher anytime and from anywhere through social media and email system. Class notes are sent by mail/Google Class to students so that they get some model answers. The college has internet and Wi-Fi facility and students can freely access the internet. The college has subscribed to a large number of e-books and e-journals available on the INFLIBNET. The college also has Smart boards and Interactive boards for teaching-learning. Faculties use e-learning resources, subject-wise software in teaching learning.